Zentangle Art Lessons

This post shares my favorite Zentangle art lessons that are perfect for back to school or anytime throughout the year. I have taught the Zentangle method from 5th-12th grade and I love the individualized results. “Back to school” are my three least favorite words in combination. I love school and I truly love teaching, but as soon as I see the school supplies hitting the … Continue reading Zentangle Art Lessons

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Face Jug Lesson Plan | Pottery & American History

One of my favorite artworks of all time was taught to me by my 7th grade art teacher, Mr. Lenzo. We created face jugs using clay, drip glazes and even added marbles to the eyes for an amazing effect that my 12 year old self had never seen. It was clear that ceramics was his area of expertise. I don’t remember a lot about middle … Continue reading Face Jug Lesson Plan | Pottery & American History

Tree of Life Acrylic Painting Lesson Plan Sticky post

Tree of Life Acrylic Painting Lesson Plan

TESTING SEASON. One of the most dreaded words in a teacher’s vocabulary. Testing completely throws off any routine or schedule we’ve worked hard all year to maintain! For my school, we completely flip-flop schedules and have SILENT transitions and SILENT lunches. Silent is not in a 10-12 year old’s vocabulary. During test seasons, I try to teach a lesson that is so interesting and engaging …

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Donut Oil Pastel Lesson Plan

My students LOVE drawing donuts. They look forward to it all year when they see the donut artwork hanging from previous classes. This unit is jam packed with art concepts, techniques, vocabulary and so many opportunities to spark creativity. Obviously, I am majorly inspired by Wayne Thiebaud. He was introduced to me by my best friend (who is also an artist, check her amazing work … Continue reading Donut Oil Pastel Lesson Plan

Full lesson plan and complete video tutorials! Great for teaching beginners how to use acrylic paint.

Monochromatic Night Landscape Painting

This video will walk your students through every step. There are also some of my older videos linked that break that steps up. I used to be scared to give acrylic paint to my 5th graders. ACRYLIC PAINT STAINS FOREVER would flash through my mind any time I imagined my youngest artists. They still fall out of their chairs! They still rocket puke without warning! … Continue reading Monochromatic Night Landscape Painting