distance learning art lessons for value and shading Sticky post

Distance Learning Shading Lessons

This post will describe and provide guided tutorials for five distance learning shading lessons that can also be done in a traditional classroom or at home. I have been back at work for two confusing weeks of professional development training for our “new normal” (anyone else sick of this term already?). Our student start date was pushed back and the eyes of our parents and … Continue reading Distance Learning Shading Lessons

Step by Step Sketchbook Drawing Prompts Sticky post

Step by Step Sketchbook Drawing Prompts

Practicing basic drawing techniques can help artists of all ages build confidence and sharpen their technical skills. I love having my students keep a sketchbook. It’s a great opportunity for students to practice foundational skills, brainstorm artwork ideas, and write and reflect about their own artwork and the artwork of others. It’s a great place to hit all of the standards of teaching that are … Continue reading Step by Step Sketchbook Drawing Prompts